ERC Synergy Project HERO
In the ERC Synergy project HERO, a team consisting of Gabriel Aeppli, Henrik Rønnow (EPFL), Nicola Spaldin (ETH Zurich) and Alexander Balatsky (Nordita, Stockholm University) joins forces to uncover 'hidden' quantum properties in materials.

Alexander Balatsky (Stockholm University), Nicola Spaldin (ETH Zurich), Gabriel Aeppli und Henrik Rønnow (EPF Lausanne).
The team has been awarded 14 million Euros for a programme to uncover new quantum effects that have so far been overlooked, or could not be seen by previously employed methods. They will also design new materials with quantum properties that can be harnessed in practical applications. Such new properties could be of use for data processing or data storage in the future and thus become the backbone of future electronics for the benefit of our Society.